Living with Uncertainty: How You Can Find Comfort in the Unknown


These are uncertain times, to say the least. Aside from a pandemic outside our doors, life in all its unpredictable wonder marches on. 

Without warning, we can be subject to challenges, uncertainties, and decisions that can upset our status quo. Shifts in our jobs, relationships, financial situation, or future can spring up and leave us wondering which way to turn. 

And that unknown can fill us with anxiety, worry, and feelings of helplessness. As a result, we anticipate the worst and feel out of control and lost.

We often find ourselves trying to run from our emotions which can be more damaging than facing what's ahead. And at other times, our feelings can cripple us with inactivity, unable to move forward or back. 

But there is a better way to deal with uncertainty.

Instead of evading it, we can learn to live with it. Finding peace in the unknown is probably one of the hardest things to do but will also be the most rewarding. We are, after all, stronger than we think.

The seven strategies outlined below will help you cope with uncertainty in your life. Refer to these tips often to help you through those tough times now and as they arise. 


How living with uncertainty makes us feel

Most humans crave security and comfort.

When everything is going our way, we feel in control, capable, and optimistic. But that sense of security can quickly disappear when we encounter significant life challenges. We become unsure of our next steps and wonder how we'll make it through.

The American Psychological Association includes "a lack of confidence or clarity in one's ideas, decisions, or intentions" as part of their definition of uncertainty. And when you're dealing with the unknown, you can feel as if your life is falling apart or that everything has turned upside down. It can test your self-confidence and make you doubt your capabilities, your value, and your worth. 

Uncertainty can feel scary because it calls into question everything around you, and you may see no immediate clear path to follow. Once fears and anxieties set in, you can feel like you're losing yourself, as well.

In a rush to ease discomfort, we often look for quick fixes or distractions, which are often more harmful than the problem itself and contribute to ongoing feelings of distress. 


What does it mean to tolerate uncertainty?


 You are not alone if you feel powerless in the face of uncertainty. While some thrive on the unpredictability of life, even they have a threshold. 

Fear in the face of uncertainty is not strange but a part of the human experience. In her book, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, Buddhist teacher and nun Pema Chodron tells us, "It's not a terrible thing that we feel fear when faced with the unknown. It is part of being alive, something we all share." 

But while challenges and changes are inevitable and may make us fearful, it's how we respond to those events that are within our control.

Tolerating or accepting uncertainty doesn't mean you've given up or surrendered. Rather, it's a pivotal step in acknowledging what is happening around you and working towards moving forward. 

To accept uncertainty is to recognize that you are going through a difficult time without running away from it. Living in that moment and being mindful of the differing and divergent paths ahead can help you progress through unstable times and work through them with greater clarity. 


How do you become comfortable with uncertainty?

If you’re struggling with uncertainty, here are seven strategies you can use to ease your transition through challenging times. 

7 strategies for coping with uncertainty

 1. Separate your value and worth from the situation

You are not your problems

We tend to attach our value and worth to a challenging situation we are going through. You may start to blame or judge yourself, feeding into a narrative that you're not good enough.

 When your self-esteem, worthiness, or self-love increases or decreases based on situational events, your self-acceptance becomes wrapped around your life's successes and failures. This undesirable outcome can be destructive to your feelings of self-worth.

 Here's where you have to remember no one or nothing can determine the currency of your value or worth. 

 You have been and will always be valid, and a challenge in your life cannot change that. The highs and lows of life will continue to ebb and flow. But they should not define or determine your confidence, courageousness, worthiness, resilience, capability, or lovability. 

2. Treat yourself like you would a friend

When we witness friends going through tough times, our instinct is to be kind, loving, supportive, and offer helpful advice. But why don't we do the same for ourselves? 

When you criticize or judge yourself, you are doing two things: affirming it to be true and adding to our pain and suffering. 

Be aware of how you talk to others and then notice how you speak to yourself. Be as compassionate to yourself as you would be to your best friend. 

Be patient with yourself, acknowledge that you are amazing and doing the best you can, and allow that to be good enough. 


3. Seek evidence of your goodness

Self-judgment, fear, and worry can bury any feelings of goodness we have about ourselves.

We are exceptionally skilled at finding evidence of why we aren't good enough or what's wrong with us, particularly when we are grappling with the should haves and whys of uncertainty.

Remind yourself of challenges you've faced in the past and how you moved through them. 

Identify the strengths that helped you get through the challenge. Ask yourself, "How can I use these strengths to support me now?" and "What do those strengths or character traits say about me?" 

Reach out to supportive resources around you like friends, family members, a therapist, or a support group. Remember, don't seek validation from them but rather to help strengthen your resolve.

4. Shield yourself 

In this time of vulnerability, try to limit your exposure to people or situations that can test your resilience. Set boundaries and avoid extra stress in your life. 

Shield yourself from negative people and stressful situations. Decrease exposure to social media and tv programming that might be triggering or increase your stress levels and fear.

5. Keep stress and anxiety at bay

Make self-care and stress management a priority.

Regularly practice stress-relieving techniques to alleviate some of the anxiety you may be experiencing. Some popular and proven stress-management activities to try include:

  • Prayer

  • Nature walks

  • Yoga

  • Listening to calm music

  • Journaling

  • Sea salt bath

  • Exercise

  • Meditation

6. Take solace in the things you can control

Some things may be out of your control, but not everything.

To help you feel grounded, zone in on everyday activities that are still within your control. Create a routine around familiar morning or evening rituals, connecting with family and friends, relaxation, or exercise. 

Establishing positive habits and executing them with assuredness can make you feel more confident and capable

7. Adjust your mindset 


Worrying about what comes next can be paralyzing. We may spend endless hours imagining worst-case scenarios, but to what end? Because we don't know how a given situation may turn out, constant worry contributes to feelings of powerlessness, affecting our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.  

What can you do instead?  

Acknowledge your feelings. Learn to recognize your anxiety and the role it plays in your emotions. Channel the energy used on worrying and shift your focus to active problem solving, self-care practices, and the things you can control.

Realize that uncertainty can help us turn inward to discover new possibilities and learn more about ourselves. It can help us establish a deeper connection to who we are.  

Additionally, assure yourself that all unknown outcomes aren't by default bad outcomes. Life is full of pleasant surprises, serendipitous discoveries, and happy conclusions. Embrace the fact there is any number of possibilities awaiting you.  

While living with uncertainty is not easy, it is possible to accept and move through it. And you can do so with positivity and confidence even if the answers remain elusive. But, first, you need to place trust in yourself before you can begin to transition through unknown territory. You have to believe you have the tools to accept, survive, and grow through uncertainty even when things seem cloudiest. 


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