Awakening Your Divine Feminine and Embracing Your Authentic Self

In our hustle and bustle world, we're taught to believe, the busier we are, the more fulfilled we'll be. So we give 100% to our jobs, our families, and our commitments. Nothing less is expected. We're constantly grinding, achieving, pursuing. But where does that leave us? And how does that make us feel?

Truthfully, many of us, despite all of our pursuits, remain unfulfilled and unhappy. Something is missing from our lives, something not found through material possessions or worldly pursuits. And that something is a deeper connection with ourselves.

That need to be constantly "doing" is an expression of our masculine energy associated with power and execution. However, it represents only half of who we are. The other half—our feminine energy—is all about "the being" and is associated with fluidity and openness. But it is often repressed or ignored, leaving us feeling incomplete. 

While constantly grinding away is normalized in our society, it is not sustainable. Because you're only accessing a part of yourself, not the whole of you, it becomes draining and exhausting. And it leaves no time to connect with your inner self, resulting in burnout.

So what can you do to realign yourself?

You can start by reconnecting to the Divine Feminine. Expressing your Divine Feminine energy will allow you to feel whole and connected to your most authentic self.

What are Divine Feminine and Masculine energies?

We're a society obsessed with gender roles, stereotypes, and identities. But Divine Feminine and Masculine energy have nothing to do with your gender. Whether male or female, everyone possesses both types of energy.

Likewise, the Divine Feminine and Masculine aren't something we can see or touch. They are intangible,  but they are within us and all around us. As defined in Spirituality & Health, the Divine Feminine and Masculine is a :

"Divine Essence (Goddessence) beyond form and duality – an essence that is in balance and unification of masculine and feminine principles – a dynamic interdependent "Immanence" that pervades all life."

Feminine and masculine energy, like the Chinese Ying and Yang, work in harmony to complete us. One without the other can not flourish. They need each other and are a complement to each other. So when we deny or reject one of these energies, we will feel imbalanced, like part of us is missing – because it is.

But because traits associated with masculine energy are highly prized in our patriarchal society, we, as women, are forced to suppress our feminine qualities. As a result, we've had to lean into our masculine energies, often to our detriment, to help us navigate within this world. 

The role of the Divine Feminine

I believe the Divine Feminine is misunderstood, so it's easy for us to ignore it or resist it. And that misunderstanding is rooted in how it is commonly defined. Words often used to describe it include – sensitive, emotional, submissive, and follower. Conversely, words used to define the Divine Masculine include – leader, provider, strong, unwavering. 

When we attach the Divine Feminine to female traits, it is looked at as less than or not as important as our masculine traits. Such limiting views pin the sexes up against each other where one becomes more dominant than the other. And that's where the problem lies.

But neither is greater than the other. On the contrary, both energies are equally crucial to our well-being.

When we only acknowledge or rely on our masculine energy, we deny an integral part of ourselves. Consequently, resisting our feminine energy means we resist our expression, our voice, and our creativity.

Throughout our male-dominated history, the Divine Feminine has been pushed aside in favour of traits represented by the Divine Masculine. But to minimize the importance of the Divine Feminine is a mistake. It plays an essential role in our existence—offering balance, happiness, inner connection, and healing.


What are Divine Feminine qualities?

There are many qualities associated with the Divine Feminine. These traits are powerful and can be uniquely expressed in every woman. Where one woman feels a close connection to specific traits, another might not. By cultivating these qualities, we can begin to bring the Divine Feminine to the surface.

Divine Feminine qualities include:

  • Birth

  • Renewal

  • Life

  • Receiving

  • Creation

  • Healing

  • Openness

  • Nurturing

  • Love

  • Understanding

  • Compassion

  • Insights

  • Intuition

  • Wisdom

  • Forgiveness

  • Connection

  • Harmony

  • Sensuality

  • Restoration

  • Moon cycles

 Consider these traits and notice which ones you are already comfortable and in touch with and other areas where you still have work to do. Then, turn inward to find out how the Divine Feminine wants to express itself at this juncture in your life. 

Embracing these qualities of the Divine Feminine can profoundly impact your well-being and change your life for the better. 

Awakening the Divine Feminine

Recently, in my women's circle group, The Pause, we discussed realigning ourselves with the Divine Feminine. It was a powerful session that brought many of us to tears. You may be wondering why we were crying?

It comes down to a collective realization that we had been suppressing a part of ourselves for many years, maybe even our entire lives. We had not been afforded the freedom to acknowledge that something was missing, but we inherently knew that it was.

But as we gathered together, we gave ourselves and each other permission to make that reconnection in a supportive and safe space. We allowed ourselves to explore and welcome what we had rejected.

Our souls we're in dire need of this acknowledgment and reconciliation.

We discovered that embracing the Divine Feminine feels like coming home to yourself.

If you're searching for a greater connection to yourself, awakening your Divine Feminine and manifesting that energy can bring you closer to what your soul desires.

Here a few simple places to start.

5 ways to awaken the Divine Feminine within

 1.       Embrace self-care and self-love. Understand that it is in the receiving that we can continue to do.  When we receive our own self-care, when we tend to our own needs, we can continue to do the work of caring for others. And when we allow someone to hold space for us while we are being vulnerable or going through a challenge in our life, we can let the healing begin.  

2.       Acknowledge your feelings. Make space for your emotions, whatever they may be, and do so without judging yourself. Get in tune with your emotions. Write them down and reflect on them. Make it a point to regularly check in with how you're feeling. 

3.       Learn to  Pause. Taking a few minutes out of a hectic day to slow down can be life-changing. A 5-15 minute pause to engage with yourself or your surroundings can renew and re-energize your spirit. Learn to recognize the signs that you've reached your limit, listen to your body, and give it that time to relax and reconnect.

4.       Believe in your intuition. It is a quality that is especially strong in women. But, too often, we pretend that that feeling we're experiencing deep within our soul is not natural. But it is. We brush it off and ignore it, only to regret our decision later. Your intuition is real. Tap into it and use it to guide you in your life.

5.       Be creative. Creativity looks different for everyone, and it isn't limited to the world of music, art, or writing. We can find ways to be creative in managing our jobs, caring for our home or children, expressing ourselves, cooking, or going about our daily lives. There are many ways to show your creativity. Find what makes you happy, and don't be afraid to reveal yourself.

Many women, like you, are on a journey to find themselves and embrace their authenticity. Awakening the Divine Feminine within us can lead to greater contentment, peace, and self-realization. Look inward to discover the qualities you already possess and those qualities that you want to explore further. Reacquaint yourself with the Divine Feminine and reconnect to who you are.

If you'd like to explore other topics like this that uniquely affect women, please consider joining my monthly women's circle, The Pause. I’d love to see you there.


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